Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The Blah Post

Right now I'm in a weird place.  I don't really know what I want to write at the moment, but I have so many thoughts going on in my mind right now that if I don't say something I could explode at any given moment.  So here it goes...

About an hour ago I was presented with the opportunity to attend Bishop's Date Night.  At first I thought, sure, this could be fun!  After thinking for a whole minute about it I realized what that meant.  I am supposed to ask a guy on a date.  I hate asking guys out.  There isn't much in the world that I like less than being as forward as asking a guy on a date.  I like being the one asked out... After all, I am the girl in the relationship.

Since then I have had to think about who I would invite.  There are a lot of great guys in the ward that I would like to go with, but I don't know who I would be comfortable asking. 
There's this one guy, we'll call him George, who I have had a crush on since I first met him.  I keep telling myself and telling my roommates that I'm over him, but let's face it - I'm not.  I still like him.  That's why I still can't talk to him.  I get shy.  So I know I won't be asking him.
Another guy, let's call Keith, would be a fun date.  He was probably the first friend I had in the ward, which would make it feel awkward to ask.  I don't know why, but it would.
Third, we'll call Sean.  I don't know how great of a date it would be.  I kind of like him, which tends to make things awkward because I can never really communicate with the guys I have feelings for (hence my situation with George).  So Sean is out now too.
I could ask a guy I'll call Bryan.  He's really nice, and I know I can talk to him... But that could be weird for a roommate.  Guess not him.
Next is a guy I'll call Rick.  This guy would be a great date!  He's hilarious.  Always makes me laugh every time I see him, and I think we would get along really well. 
Finally there's the guy we'll call Travis.  He is also really really funny, and I feel like there's no risk of worrying about scaring him off... he's pretty forward himself. 

So I think it will be between Rick and Travis.  Two great friends who make me laugh who there's no awkward feelings getting in the way of.  Now to pick one... or the other... bah.

Alright, now other stuff I need to get out of my head:
I just realized I didn't go to the gym today.  NOOoo!!!! 
I'm dropping Biology from this semester because I've decided I really really don't want my brain to completely fry... so I'll take that at another time.
I don't really have someone I can tell everything to.  I have a few friends I share pieces of my life with... but I wish someone was close enough that I could just tell everything to.

Well... that's enough.  I can't say much more tonight.


  1. I love you :) And you're going to have a blast at the date night!

  2. Oh my goodness catch me up! When was the date night? Who did you choose? :)
