Sunday, February 6, 2011

I'll take my chances

Do you remember a former post where I had to make a decision about my dating life?  Where I had to invite a guy to a dinner activity?  Most importantly, do you remember a guy in that post called George?  Well if you don't know what I'm talking about you may want to refresh your memory.

Today in Sacrament meeting George bore his testimony, and while paying attention to all of the speakers, I paid a little extra attention to his.  I heard something that really caught my attention:  he is considering moving back to his hometown across the country.  Disaster for me.  I don't want him to leave.  I want him to stay here so we can get to know each other a little better.  I want him to stay here and date me.  (Okay, maybe that sounded a little too creeper-ish.)  He can't leave without me at least telling him how I feel.  I thought about that for most of Church.
After Sacrament meeting I went to Sunday school - the class he often teaches.  And of course he taught today.  It just gave me another chance to stare at him and for my mind to go haywire thinking about what I'd do if he moved away without me ever getting the chance to go on a single date with him.  I made my decision, I'm not going to wait any longer.
"Wait for what?" you might ask.  Well, my roommate once brought up the fact that he might want to ask me out to get his mind off of another girl he had been casually dating.  He was skeptical about that (I think), because we hadn't really even talked to each other at that point... I was crushing on him from a distance.  However, lately I have been talking a bit more to him - just casual conversation, but still conversation at all.  So today during the 3-hour block I decided I would make my move.
Ward Prayer.  I talked to him while everyone was mingling, just saying "hey, great lesson and testimony today ..." blah blah blah.  Then I asked "Did you say you're moving back to your home state?"  He replied he was thinking about it because he had a job opportunity... blah blah blah.  So I remarked that if he does we should hang out before he would go back.  He said he was just thinking about it and nothing is set in stone yet.  I said we should hang out anyway.
Was that too forward?  Only time will tell!  But now everything is a little more out in the open; now he at least can sense that something is up.  But I guess things can't get any worse... Things can only get better from here!

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