Sunday, January 23, 2011

Long, but Splendid Day

This morning when I woke up, I didn't realize how late I would be staying awake, how much traveling I would do, or how much fun I would have.  I didn't plan on arguing with my cousin about my working at Jamba Juice, I didn't think I'd be yelling during a dice game, I didn't expect to eat ice cream twice with different groups of people in an hour, and I didn't realize how much I would learn and be inspired while writing my Relief Society lesson.

I woke up this morning and went through my normal daily routine of getting ready to conquer the world (shower, brushing teeth, putting on make up... you know, things you really should get done before you take over the world on any given day).  As I finished up I thought, hey.  I need to talk to my cousin, Crystal, I should just drive to South Jordan to actually talk to her and not just text her or chat on Facebook.  And I am so glad that I did drive down.  I love my cousin, and I love getting to spend any time with her, even if we are both working. =)  We talk about this and that, old and new, boys and toys.  Then Steve came to interrupt.  He called me out for being too busy to hang out with his brother-in-law who he is trying to set me up on a date with.  He wants me to skip classes and work on Monday to go meet this guy who "could be [my] soulmate."  I told him I'm not the type of person to flake on my previous commitments, including school and work.  He didn't want to take no for an answer... but I promised him that I would get out to St. George to meet this guy.  I promised him I wasn't trying to get out of this blind date, it was just bad timing.  He accepted my valid excuse, and I will meet him another day.

After spending some more time with Crystal I had to go back to Provo to get ready for some other stuff.  I cleaned my car so it wouldn't be a complete disaster area for my date.  I trimmed my nails and attempted to get all cute.  Then came time for the date.  I was expecting it to be fun since the guy I asked to go with my to the Bishop's Date Night was a guy I knew pretty well and who I get along with in FHE.  And it didn't disappoint.  Usually I am not very social and wasn't sure if we would even have much to talk about, but obviously Robert isn't a shy guy and we got along really well.  He's not going to be a romantic interest, but we will still be great friends - which in reality is all I really want from him.  At the date night we enjoyed Hawaiian haystacks, ice cream, and a game of Farkle - an interesting game of dice.  If you don't know it, look it up!  We sat around and chatted... overall, a great group date.
After that I pretty much skipped any akward doorstep scene there may have been... I told Robert that I really needed to get to work on my Relief Society lesson and sort of dashed into the apartment.  (Looking back, it may have been a little rude of me.  Oops!  That will teach me to stop putting of my lessons until the last minute!)  So I grab my copy of the General Conference issue of the Ensign and start reading the topic of my lesson... when roommate Arielle and her friend Amanda invite me to get ice cream.  I can never say no to ice cream. =)  So I put the lesson off a little longer.

When I finally did get around to writing the lesson, I learned a lot from it.  It's about making choices, and you might think that it's a simple topic (which it is) and is easy to read (which it was) but I still feel like it just touched my heart.  I thought about maybe skipping school and work to go meet this guy my cousin keeps talking about.  I realized, that's really not the right choice to make.  I do need to meet him, but I can't drop my life because meeting him right now would be convenient.  In fact, I feel like I should make more of an effort to meet him.  Go when I have scheduled separate time for it.  Like in the next couple of weeks I will get a break where I can get out there.  Don't sacrifice one good thing that is certain (school) to attempt to find another good thing that may not even come through (a boy.  He's probably nice, and we might get along great, but it's still not a sure thing.)

Overall, it was just a splendid day.  Time to finally wrap it up at 1:18 am.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE YOU! We should really see each other more often! :) With the blind date thing, I think you guys need each others numbers so you can get to know each other then plan a day or weekend when you guys can meet up. You're right! I like the "don't sacrifice one good thing that is certain to attempt to find another good thing that may not even come through"
    Call me, we shall chat! Love you wolverette.
